Some Control Suggestions:
Some Non-Chemical Controls:
Keep natural enemies in the garden such as parasitic wasps that will attack squash vine borer eggs and larvae. Also adult ground beetles (Family Carabidae) will attack squash vine borer larvae.
When wilting is noticed, a sharp knife can be used to cut a slit into the stem so the larva can be removed. New roots may grow along the cut stem, allowing the plant to survive. Split vines should be covered with soil immediately after the larvae have been removed.
Also remove vines soon after harvest to destroy any larvae that still might be inside the stems.
Some Chemical Controls:
Some chemical suggestions include using such active ingredients as pyrethrins, permethrin, or carbaryl. Apply the dusts or sprays to the base of the plant.

Photo of a southwestern squash vine borer, Melittia calabaza (Lepidoptera: Sessidae), larva. Photo by Bart Drees, Professor and Extension Entomologist, Texas A&M University.
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