Some Suggestions for Control Measures:
Inspect plants before purchasing and use sterile potting soil.
Allow soil to dry for several days to kill some larvae, since over watering, poor drainage and water leaks can result in a large population of fungus gnats. If the top layer of the soil becomes dry, then the larvae will die and the female fungus gnats will not lay eggs in the soil.
Discard heavily infested plants as to avoid infesting other plants.
Biological Control
Some predators such as Steinernema spp. nematodes and Hypoaspis spp. mites that can be applied to soil to control fungus gnat larvae.
Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) can be applied soil to control fungus gnat larvae.
Chemical Control
Larvae can be controlled by many chemicals, including azadirachtin, fenoxycarb and imidacloprid. Adult fungus gnats can be controlled by foliar treatments, including the chemicals horticulture oil, pyrethrins, and bifenthrin.

Picture of fungus gnat. Photo found at Texas A&M University:
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